Friday, February 18, 2022

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Black Pepper For Skin, Hair, And Health

 Many of us sprinkle a dash of salt and pepper to enhance the taste of our dishes. But did you know that black pepper benefits you in multiple ways if consumed as a part of your diet?

Black peppercorns, also known as black pepper, are a rich source of many beneficial nutrients. Want to know more about them and the benefits they offer? watch full video and for  more health videos subscribe us.

In This Article

What Is Black Pepper? How Is It Good For You?

What Are The Health Benefits Of Black Pepper?

What Are The Nutrients In Black Pepper?

How To Use Black Pepper In Cooking?

Does Black Pepper Have Side Effects? What Are They?

What Is Black Pepper? How Is It Good For You?

Scientifically called Piper nigrum, black pepper is a flowering vine that is cultivated for its fruit. This fruit is dried and used as spice and seasoning – and this is the black pepper most of us are familiar with.

The dried fruit is known as peppercorn. There are three types of peppercorns  black, green, and white.

The spice is native to South India and other parts of South Asia and has been used in Indian cooking since 2000 BC. The source of pepper exports to neighboring countries was the Malabar Coast, which is present-day Kerala.

An ounce of this spice has a lot to offer. It is a great source of magnesium, vitamin K, iron, and fiber. It also contains the essential oil piperine, which, when used in aromatherapy, helps ease aching muscles, digestive issues, and even inflammatory arthritis.

Black pepper also possesses antibacterial, antioxidant, immune-boosting, and fever-reducing properties. The pepper, according to studies, can also help individuals quit smoking and is actively used in smoking cessation treatments.

This is just a brief. As you read further, you will know what scientific research has to say about black pepper.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Black Pepper?

The piperine in black pepper has numerous beneficial properties (antioxidant, antibacterial, etc.) that can improve your health in many ways. Some of the good effects of black pepper include cancer and diabetes prevention, improved digestive health, and enhanced brain health. The potent antioxidants in black pepper also promote skin and hair health.

1. Improves Digestive Health

Black pepper stimulates the digestive juices and enzymes, thereby promoting digestion. This holds true when you consume black pepper, especially with a meal, which might enhance your body’s ability break down and digest food. Research has shown that black pepper has a positive effect on pancreatic enzymes too, benefiting the overall digestive process.

Black pepper also has carminative properties and helps relieve stomach gas. It can also relieve flatulence and colicky pain. Replacing chili powder in your meals with black pepper can treat flatulence.

Black pepper also has carminative properties and helps relieve stomach gas. It can also relieve flatulence and colicky pain.

2. Prevents Cancer

Studies have shown that the piperine in black pepper exerts protective activity against numerous forms of cancer. Piperine also increases the absorption of other nutrients like selenium, curcumin, beta-carotene, and B vitamins in your intestines – nutrients that are vital for gut health and cancer prevention.

Another Canadian study also credits the anticancer properties of black pepper to piperine. It reduces the stress on the rectum and helps prevent colon cancer. It showed similar properties in cases of prostate cancer too . And not just that, piperine also was found to enhance the effectiveness of docetaxel, a chemotherapy medication used in the treatment of cancer of the prostate . 

3. Lowers Blood Pressure

It’s piperine, again. Reports have shown that piperine can lower blood pressure in animals, and similar effects can be expected in human beings. One Slovakian study states that oral administration of piperine can control the increase in blood pressure .

Ingestion of piperine also proved to be effective in controlling blood pressure in yet another study. Interestingly, piperine also enhances the bioavailability of curcumin, another important compound found in turmeric.

4. Promotes Weight Loss

Studies have found that piperine in black pepper, the very compound that makes you sneeze, also fights the formation of fat cells. This can push you a little further towards your weight loss goals. Research says that black pepper might offer an alternative to treatments for fat-related issues.

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